How do I know this isn’t a scam? Why should I trust Asset Locators?
There are four reasons:
You, not Asset Locators, receive your Unclaimed Property check.
You spend no money until after you receive the check.
You can talk to our clients – just ask us for referrals.
Verify us! Call the states where Asset Locators is registered and verify our legitimacy.
What is Asset Locators’ fee?
10 to 15% of the total value of all the UP that is claimed. Each state specifies the fee.
What does Asset Locators’ fee cover?
A national search for your UP items
Compiling the claim documents
Postage, telephone, and document purchasing and preparation costs
Probate and legal fees
How come the holder of my UP or the states currently holding my UP didn’t tell me about this money?
Every year each state receives thousands of Unclaimed Property records from banks, insurance companies, and other businesses. Due to time and personnel constraints, they couldn’t find you, and until you actually claim your money they get to put it to use.
It varies state to state, but typically once a claim has been submitted, states respond in 30 – 90 days. The historical average for Asset Locators’ claims is 45 days.